What can you make with Javascript?
When searching up recommended programming languages, you don't often see Javascript being suggested. Some people dump on Javascript as a low-power language. I used to be one of them, but ever since I've used it with purpose, I've learned otherwise and now love it. Here's what you can do with Javascript.
Javascript is necessary when making a dynamic website. It lets a website react based on input. Such as outputting HTML that says, "Hello <first_name>" when inputting your username. Using Javascript, you can turn a website into a web-application. The Facebook website is an example of a web-app. Notice their website looks just like their mobile app now.
You could always use a CMS like WordPress and it's plugins to make a website. Or even more easily, you could use a service like Weebly to create a website via drag and drop. This route is limited. Creating a website from scratch is where you can get the most leverage in developing a website.
You do have the option to use the WebAssembly language for dynamic behavior, but Javascript is almost always the go-to for websites.
Javascript can be used to write software for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. You can also write applications for iOS and Android. You could do this through a Javascript library called React.js. The applications can be very much powerful and offer native features. I've created more beautiful and useful applications with Javascript than I ever had with .NET and QT with C++.
The software you can make isn't very limited. I've been able to make speed demanding analyzers and complicated mobile applications. If using Node.js, you can leverage native add-ons coded with C++. Native add-ons open up an even greater world of possibility.
Many big-time companies have switched over or began using Javascript in the backend. More specifically through Node.js, a Javascript runtime environment. Node.js is incredibly efficient and powerful for server development, so this has become a preferred technology in many modern server stacks. A server is necessary to serve content like websites, handle live connections for games like Minecraft and Apex Legends, automate tasks like Discord bots, and other forms of servicing that relate to receiving data and responding to requests.
I've worked with PHP. I've experimented with Python, Ruby, and .NET. I prefer to work with Javascript through Node.js by a large margin. When starting new projects that require a server in the future, I will probably always choose Javascript as my backend language. At least until something amazingly better comes.
There is a lot you can do with Javascript. Javascript can run everywhere and make almost anything. E.g websites, mobile applications, PC software, and servers. Javascript has matured and come a very long way in the past 10 years. Some people are following an outdated mindset to say Javascript is a bad language to learn. Of course, no language is perfect. Javascript may not be ideal for all situations, but it suits a large variety of applications.
Creating a website is a great way to get started with Javascript. Check out this book set.